Week of March 19


Monday March 19

Students practice using the RACE method to answer the above write prompts. We will work on these prompts all week and it will count as a Project grade. Paragraphs will be graded on Friday.

Begin Chapter 1 of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Students are encouraged to bring in a copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe from home and/or the local library


  1. parcels- small packages wrapped in paper.
  2. inquisitive- curious
  3. wireless- an old British radio
  4. air raids- an attack in which bombs are  dropped from a plane to the ground
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Test tomorrow over the following phrases:

According to the text

According to the author

The author says

For example

For instance

__________ proves that


Tuesday, March 20

Chapter 2

  1. melancholy- a feeling of deep sadness
  2. stag- a male deer
  3. merely- just, only
  4. lulling- calming or sending someone to sleep
  5. wretched- very unpleasant or in bad condition

Read Chapter 2 and 3 if time permits

Complete  Amelia Earhart RACE paragraph (project grade)

Wednesday, March 21

Complete Benefits of Music RACE paragraph (project grade)

Chapter 3

  1. hoax- a trick
  2. spiteful- mean or full of hate
  3. groping- to  feel about or search blindly
  4. sulking- to be in a bad mood because one is annoyed  or disappointed


Thursday, March 22

Complete Making Millions RACE paragraph (project grade)

Chapter 4

  1. dominions- an area of land belonging to a ruler
  2. dreadful- causing great  fear or unhappiness, serious
  3. mantle- a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl
  4. snappishly- easily annoyed or made angry


Chapter 5

  1. coolly- calmly, without anxiety
  2. spectacles- glasses
  3. trippers- people who go on vacation, tourists
  4. alarming- worrying or disturbing


Friday, March 23

Test over Chapters 1-5 of Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

RACE paragraphs due (Project grade)

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