Week of February 12

Homework: Study vocabulary for quiz on Wedneday,  February 14.

Study Guide- Quiz Wednesday February 14

  1. Voracious- an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; eager to consume great amounts of food.
  2. Surreptitious- done or acting in a secret, sly manner.(adjective)
  3. Tenacious- Tough; stubborn; not letting go
  4. Copious- Abundant; plentiful
  5. Abduct- to kidnap or carry off by force.
  6. Emanate—To come out from
  7. Incognito—hiding one’s true identity, often using a disguise.
  8. Apprehensive—fearful about what may happen

Monday: Identify the claim that best supports the evidence.

Tuesday: Argumentative Writing. What is the the best candy? Write a five paragraph essay on your favorite candy. Give reasons and supporting evidence.

Wednesday: Quiz over vocabulary words (SAT words of the day). Finish up argumentative essay. Allow students to share their essays if time permits.

Thursday: Read “High School Football: Would a Pop Warner Ban Limit Concussions? p.186-188 Take notes for a debate over the following topic: Should youths be banned from participating in sports such as dodge ball, cheerleading, and football?

Friday: Class debate over the topic: Should youths be banned from participating in sports such as dodge ball, cheerleading, and football?

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