Week of November 6


Paragraph of the week:

Thank You Note

We have been blessed with many special gifts and talents. Perhaps it is the ability to sing or play a musical instrument. Perhaps it is athletic ability or the ability to be compassionate and kind. Think of the special gifts or talents that you possess. On the back of this paper make a list or create a web brainstorming these gifts. Next to each, give a reason why you are grateful for it.

Your assignment this week is to write a thank you note of at least one paragraph to someone for giving you, encouraging you, or teaching you a particular talent. Express your appreciation and tell why you particularly enjoy this talent or gift. You should be focusing on PURPOSE and IDEAS this week.


1. __ 5-8 sentences

2. __ correct letter format: heading, greeting, body, closing, signature

3. __ five areas of good writing: PURPOSE, direction, IDEAS, style, presentation

4. __ final copy neat, in ink, and headed properly

5. __ all three papers stapled together with final on top


Monday: Read chapters 1-4 of Walk Two Moons and Springboard Activity 2.3

Tuesday: Activity 2.4

Wednesday: Read Chapters 5-11 Walk Two Moons and Springboard Activity 2.5

Thursday: Activity 2.6

Friday: Finish Activity 2.6 in Springboard text. Read Chapters 12-16 Walk Two Moons

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