Week of August 21

Video Journal Warm Up: Will be collected for a grade on Friday.

Monday: Have you ever felt like giving up? Give an example and describe how you dealt with this.

Tuesday: Do you think you are critical of your appearance?  Do you think others would be just as critical or not?

Wednesday: What are the qualities someone must demonstrate to be called a hero?

Thursday: What is something that your parent/guardian does that makes you laugh?

Friday: Do you think cyber bulling is a problem at our school?  Why or why not?


Homework: DUE FRIDAY


For English this week you will be writing a paragraph that is an autobiography. Remember an autobiography is the story of your life. Since you will only be writing one paragraph, you will need to focus on only the important things about you. You may want to make a list of ideas or create a web to help you plan your thoughts. A timeline might also be helpful. Feel free to use the back of this sheet to make your plans.


_____ 1. Name on your paper and heading correct?
_____ 2. Did you use correct paragraph format?
_____ 3. Did you work on getting everything spelled and punctuated correctly?
_____ 4. Did you focus on the five areas of GOOD WRITING especially PURPOSE?
_____ 5. Use 5-8 sentences (including topic and concluding sentence)
_____ 6. Is your final written neatly in ink?
_____ 7. Did you staple all three of your papers together with your final on top?


Learning Target:

Analyze how the response in a personal narrative contributes to the development of the story.

Identify and use an organizational structure to develop ideas and events in a personal narrative.


Activity 1.4 Students will read “SuperPowers” and annotate text (p. 15-18) Students will discuss Incident (cause), Response (effect), and Reflection (the lessons the narrator learned from this experience.

Activity 1.5 Students will read “Flipped” p. 19-25 and answer comprehension questions.

Activity 1.6 Students will read “The Jacket” p. 30-35 annotating figurative language (metaphors and similes).

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