Week 2: August 7-11

Students watched the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBtFTF2ii7U and answered the following question: What does this story tell us  about friendship?


Students placed this in their 3 ring binder in the “warm up” section. These will be collected on Friday for a grade. Responses should be at least 5 sentences, capitalized, and punctuated.


Students took notes in their interactive notebook (I.A.N) over the parts of speech:

  1. Noun- a person, place, or thing. Examples: chair   (common noun)  Mrs. Hosford (proper noun)
  2. Adjective- a word that describes a noun. Example: small, tall, loud, yellow, beautiful
  3. Adverb- modifies a verb and usually ends in -ly  Example: quickly, slowly
  4. Verb- shows action, describes a state of being, or is a linking verb: jump, love, is, am
  5. Pronoun- Words that replace nouns. Example: She, He, They, Them, US
  6. Conjunction: Words that join phrases and clauses (FAN BOYS) For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
  7. Interjections: Words that show excitement
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