Week of February 13

Monday: Weekly Language Warm Up: Grammar, Vocabulary, Figurative language practice for Monday. Mini-lesson on poetry. Read “The Rose that Grew in Concrete” (a poem by Tupac) and Number the Stars. Discuss how they are different.

Homework for the week: Weekly Language Homework-due Friday. Paragraph of the week will be done in class this week and is also due Friday. The Paragraph of the Week this week will be to write a one to two stanza poem on the theme of love. Students must include figurative language such as alliteration, simile, onomatopoeia, metaphor, and/or allusion.

Tuesday: Weekly Language Warm Up: Grammar, Vocabulary, Figurative language practice for Tuesday. Mini-lesson on alliteration. Students will brainstorm ideas for their poem on love, work on adjective practice, and read “Number the Stars”https://www.flocabulary.com/unit/alliteration-assonance/

For classes that have read to the end of chapter 10 in “Number the Stars” there will be a review game for tomorrow’s test.


Wednesday:  Weekly Language Warm Up: Grammar, Vocabulary, Figurative language practice for Wednesday. Mini-lesson on idioms. TEST over “Number the Stars.”  Read “Number the Stars.”

Thursday: Weekly Language Warm Up: Grammar, Vocabulary, Figurative language practice for Thursday. Mini lesson on allusion. Students will work on poems in class and conference with teacher. Students will read “Number the Stars” TEST over “Number the Stars” and figurative language.

Friday: Mrs. Hosford will check this week’s warm up and weekly language homework. Students will complete poems and participate in a poetry slam celebrating students as authors. Read and respond to “Number the Stars.”

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